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Quelques veuves de Noirmoutier

Some Widows of Noirmoutier
Film still from QUELQUE VEUVES DE NOIRMOUTIER. Some older women dressed in black are standing on a beach, in their midst is a table.

Fri 24.06.

  • Director

    Agnès Varda

  • France / 2006
    69 min. / Digital file / Original version with German subtitles

  • Original language


  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Introduced by Dominique Bluher

Agnès Varda had herself been a widow for 14 years when she turned her attention to the widows of the Atlantic island of Noirmoutier, where she spent a lot of time with her deceased husband, filmmaker Jacques Demy, and their family. She dedicated both an installation and this film to these women, which is based on material shot for the installation. In long conversations, the women give an account of how they live with loss and pain, of grief, loneliness, and mixed feelings. Varda portrays herself as a silent widow. (bik)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut